About me
In my spare time, I am very interested in music and film. When I'm not too busy, I am also a keen genealogist and self-proclaimed history/geography nerd.
I support two football teams - Brighton and Hove Albion and Coventry City - and I also enjoy following Formula One.
Here is a brief summary of my career so far. For full details, please see my most recent CV.

2017 - 2021
PhD Mathematics
University of Surrey
Supervisors: David J.B. Lloyd and Matthew R. Turner
Project: Existence of small amplitude localised patterns on the free surface of a ferrofluid
2013 - 2017
MMath - First Class,
University of Surrey
Project Supervisor: Bin Cheng
Project: 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in a thin spherical shell
Awards and Grants
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdocs 07/2023 - 06/2025
IMA Lighthill Thwaites Prize 2021: Finalist
First Year Departmental Award for Excellent Performance (2014): Winner
SIAM Student Travel Award, registration waiver, SIAM - for attending SIAM DS21 (online)
LMS Early Research travel grant, value £500, London Mathematical Society - for travel to SIAM NWCS20*
FEPS travel award, value £850, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey - for travel to SIAM NWCS20*
FEPS travel award, value £770, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey - for travel to Equadiff 2019
*Conference cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic
Roles and Responsibilities
Athena Swan committee member, 2020-2021.
Postgraduate Student Rep, 2018-2020.
Founder and organiser of the "Taste of Research Undergraduate Seminars", 2018-2020.
Founder and organiser of the "Postgraduate Research Seminars", 2018-2020.
Postgraduate Student Mentor, 2018-2019.